In June of 2014, a group of 60 choir members, parishioners, spouses and friends joined together on a musical tour of Europe. Our spiritual guides were Msgr. John Wall and Fr. Ryan Elder.
We landed in Munich, Germany; traveled on to Salzburg and Vienna, Austria and finished our tour in Prague, Czech Republic.
We sang for Trinity Sunday in the Salzburg Cathedral and gave a lunch-time concert in St. Stephen's in Vienna.
Please enjoy these pictures, courtesy of Joe Jones.
St Michael the Archangel Festival Choir- Trinity Sunday- Salzburg Cathedral
Entrance: Holy Holy Holy - Nicaea - Arr. Richard Proulx
Gospel Acclamation_ Festival Alleluia- James Chepponis
Preparation: Offertory – John Ness Beck
Communion: Ave Verum Corpus- Mozart
Adoramus te -Pallestrina
Recessional: Go to the World - Nine Nomine -James Chepponis
CONCERT-St. Stephen's in Vienna, Austria
O God Beyond all Praising – Thaxted, arr. R. Proulx
Alleluia Round – Boyce, arr. R. Proulx
Be Still – David Kauffman
On That Holy Mountain – Joe Mattingly
Cantate Dominum – James Chepponis
Behold – David Kauffman
Lead, Kindly Light – Steven Warner
You are Mine – David Haas
Go to the World - Nine Nomine -James Chepponis
Send Forth Your Spirit – Steven Warner