All members of St. Michael Music Ministry and their family and friends are invited for an afternoon of Community Christmas Caroling.  


Please meet at St. Michael on the sidewalk between the Church, Preschool, and Parish Center between 2:00 – 2:15 P.M.

We will sign cards for the families we will be visiting at that time.

Music packets will be handed out at that time, along with the sheet with our stops for the afternoon and contact information for several drivers.  

We will leave the STM parking lot promptly at 2:30 P.M.

If enough homebound parishioners are not found for caroling, the event will end early.

I am also trying to secure somewhere FUN to end the event. 

Christmas Cheer/Attire

Attire is Christmas festive- ugly holiday sweaters, Santa hats, reindeer antlers, things that light up, jingle bells- all are appropriate and welcome!  Please also wear hats, gloves, and scarves if appropriate.

Health and Safety

Masking is not required at this time, but anyone choosing to mask may do so.

Carpooling is left to everyone’s individual discretion and responsibility.   

For safety reasons (and to adhere to Safe Environment guidelines), I have decided not to specifically invite students under 18 this year- however- any of the youth of our parish (especially those in music ministry) are welcome to still join in- if accompanied and transported by their parent(s)

To protect the health and privacy of our homebound family members, we will not enter the homes we stop at- we will sing from the front lawn/driveway/etc.   Please dress for outside weather and use restrooms before leaving the church.